What is the Hindi name of school dress or uniform? You will be shocked to hear it

What is the Hindi name of school dress or uniform? You will be shocked to hear it

School dress has been an important part of most people’s lives. In childhood, school dress is the first thing that makes children from different castes, religions, sects and places stand in one category. Actually, this was the reason for making school dress. Well, let us now tell you what is school dress called in Hindi and what is its history.

Hindi meaning of school dress and its history

School dress can be called school uniform or school uniform in Hindi. Actually, any type of uniform is called uniform, whether it is of police or army. Let us now tell you about the history of school dress.

The history of school dress is about 500 years old. School dress started first in England in the 16th century. At that time, the uniform given to the students in the schools there consisted of a blue long coat and yellow trousers. Along with this, there were knee-high socks. After England, the practice of uniforms in schools was implemented in many countries.

However, before England, when there was a tradition of Gurukul in India, all the students there used to wear the same uniform. That is, whether it was the son of a king or a common man, he used to wear the same clothes in Gurukul.

Why do most schools have white shirts?

You must have noticed that the color of shirts in most schools is white. Let us now tell you what is the reason behind this. Actually, white color is a symbol of peace. Along with this, it is also considered the color of unity and equality. The flag of India also has white color which is a symbol of peace and sacrifice. This is the reason why the color of shirts in most schools is white.

Uniform in government schools

Government schools in different states of India have school uniforms of different colors. For example, the school uniform of children in all the primary schools under the Uttar Pradesh government consists of a white shirt and khaki pants. Similarly, different states have different coloured uniforms.

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